What you need to know about work hours:
Our club has no employees to take care of the land and buildings. This means we need you to lend a hand. We need help with everything from weeding and lawn mowing to power washing and fixing docks.
Details on the transfer of work hours to club dues:
A Member will receive a $10.00 credit for every hour of work party time completed, up to a maximum of the total amount of a 1⁄2 the Member’s Membership dues, not including fees for reserved camp sites, lockers, wet slips, or dinghy racks. Work party credits will be applied to the Member's dues for the following year. A minimum of one half of work party credits must be earned at regularly scheduled work parties or at weekday grounds maintenance activities authorized by the Grounds Chair.
Work days:
Typically run once a month on the 3rd Saturday morning from 8 - 12pm. Check the club calendar and news page for updates to these events.
Reporting hours:
All hours must be reported on the clipboard located on the wall in the basement of the club house.
Our club has no employees to take care of the land and buildings. This means we need you to lend a hand. We need help with everything from weeding and lawn mowing to power washing and fixing docks.
Details on the transfer of work hours to club dues:
A Member will receive a $10.00 credit for every hour of work party time completed, up to a maximum of the total amount of a 1⁄2 the Member’s Membership dues, not including fees for reserved camp sites, lockers, wet slips, or dinghy racks. Work party credits will be applied to the Member's dues for the following year. A minimum of one half of work party credits must be earned at regularly scheduled work parties or at weekday grounds maintenance activities authorized by the Grounds Chair.
Work days:
Typically run once a month on the 3rd Saturday morning from 8 - 12pm. Check the club calendar and news page for updates to these events.
Reporting hours:
All hours must be reported on the clipboard located on the wall in the basement of the club house.
Possible work tasks
Below is a list of ongoing work tasks that need to be done. The tasks include a job description, tools needed, where to locate them, etc.
Task: Scrub the toilets, wipe the counters, windex the mirrors, sweep and mop the floors Supplies at the club: toilet bowl brushes, comet, glass spray, paper towels, granite spray, gloves, mop, bucket Supplies needed from home: none |
Clubhouse (inside)
Task: Vacuum the carpet, Windex the windows, dust and de-spider web, mop the kitchen area, wipe down the counters and tables Supplies at the club: vacuum in closet, paper towels, table cleaner, mop in basement Supplies needed from home: none |
Clubhouse (outside)
Task: Remove spider webs around the building, sweep / leaf blow leaves and pine straw off of the porches Supplies at the club: brooms, leaf blower Supplies needed from home: none
Task: Supplies at the club: Supplies needed from home: Weeding the beach
Task: Supplies at the club: Supplies needed from home: Brush removal
Task: Supplies at the club: Supplies needed from home: |